Luxury Rings

Explore our extensive collections of designer rings for men and women below. Shop by brand, metal, stock status and size to find the perfect luxury ring that will elevate your style. Enjoy free shipping on all orders over £500.

125 products

125 products

Discover exquisite luxury pieces from brands such as Roberto Coin, Shamballa Jewels and Djula, as well as Frost of London’s own collection of luxury rings, which are perfect for any occasion.

Make a statement with bold, exotic styles or tie together an outfit with astonishingly intricate and beautifully crafted pieces from some of the world’s most revered jewellers. Whether you’re looking to buy a diamond ring for someone special or find a gleaming designer piece just for you, we guarantee that you’ll be spoilt for choice.

At Frost of London, we understand that only the finest quality jewellery will distinguish your style and match your unique taste. That’s why we only stock authentic luxury jewellery from globally respected jewellers and craft our own collection of luxury rings from the highest quality gemstones and precious metals available. We will handle your order with excellence and integrity, allowing you to enjoy the experience of acquiring one-of-a-kind luxury jewellery.